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A cute kitten sleeping on a human bed

The good folks at the ihazawebsite twitter reached out after looking at what I wrote last time I was here and kindly explained how to get to the CSS editor on a per-text-box basis. I'm still having a little bit of a hard time figuring out what rules do what, where, but I think I can mostly find my way.

The rules set by double clicking an image seem to affect the image's HTML element attributes directly, which supersedes changes made in the CSS editor. The CSS editor allows you to choose a selector, then create a property-value pair. The scope of these CSS selectors seems to be limited to within its respective text-box, which is a neat and clean way to handle scoping.

It looks like CSS rules for each page can be edited in a similar way to text-boxes using the "page" button, with global rules editable using the "site" button. I'm not sure if the "layout" tool affects the page CSS profile, or if it overwrites it somewhere in the background. I'll have to tinker some more.

A kitten sleeping in a human bed.

This website was created using I Haza Website!

I'm a little confused why the graphic to the left is rotated. I can't find the CSS rule for it. I wonder what will happen if I change the url? There's also documentation on how to edit my website at:, but it's pretty sparse, so I'll have to carefully look it over later.